
Traits-Enaml is an extension library to facilitate interoperation of Enaml 0.8.x with Traits and allow a programmer to drive enaml views using traits models, enable/chaco components and mayavi 3D scenes.


To use traits model classes to drive enaml components it is enough to use the with traits_enaml.imports(): context manager.

Example python code:

#  Copyright (c) 2013-14, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
#  license included in /LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only
#  under the conditions described in the aforementioned license.  The license
#  is also available online at
#  Thanks for using Enthought open source!
import enaml
from enaml.qt.qt_application import QtApplication

from traits.api import HasTraits, Str, Range
from traitsui.api import View

class Person(HasTraits):
    """ A simple class representing a person object.

    last_name = Str()

    first_name = Str()

    age = Range(low=0)

    traits_view = View('last_name', 'first_name', 'age', resizable=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with enaml.imports():
        from traits_view import PersonView

    john = Person(first_name='John', last_name='Doe', age=42)

    app = QtApplication()
    view = PersonView(person=john)


And related Enaml definition:

#  Copyright (c) 2013-14, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
#  license included in /LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only
#  under the conditions described in the aforementioned license.  The license
#  is also available online at
#  Thanks for using Enthought open source!
from enaml.widgets.api import Window, Container
from traits_enaml.widgets.traits_view import TraitsView

enamldef PersonView(Window):
    attr person
            model := person


To further simplify the inter-operation with traits-related libraries additional widgets and factories are provided. These components are available in the widgets module.


Using the auto_window or the auto_view factories we can create Enaml components for HasTraits classes in an automatic way similar to the default TraitsUI views.

Example python code using the auto_window factory:

#  Copyright (c) 2013-14, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
#  license included in /LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only
#  under the conditions described in the aforementioned license.  The license
#  is also available online at
#  Thanks for using Enthought open source!
import datetime

from enaml.qt.qt_application import QtApplication
from traits.api import (HasTraits, Bool, Button, Date, Enum, Float, Int, List,
                        Range, Str, Time)
import traits_enaml
from traits_enaml.widgets.auto_view import auto_window
with traits_enaml.imports():
    from traits_enaml.widgets.auto_editors import DefaultEditor

class AllTypes(HasTraits):
    """ A simple class with all kinds of traits

    boolean_value = Bool(True, label="Custom Bool Label:")
    button_value = Button("I'm a button!")
    int_value = Int(42, tooltip="You can add a tooltip as well.")
    float_value = Float(3.141592)
    enum_value = Enum("foo", "bar", "baz", "qux")
    int_range_value = Range(low=0, high=10)
    float_range_value = Range(low=0.0, high=1.0)
    list_value = List([0, 1, 2])
    str_value = Str("Word")
    date_value = Date(
    time_value = Time(datetime.time())
    range_value = Range(low=0, high=100,
                        label="Traits Range Editor:",

    _my_float = Float

    def _button_value_fired(self):
        print "Button was pressed"

    def _anytrait_changed(self, name, old, new):
        print name, "changed from", old, "to", new

if __name__ == '__main__':
    all = AllTypes()
    app = QtApplication()
    view = auto_window(all)



Complete TraitsUI Views can be embedded inside an enaml component using the TraitsView widget.


Enable and Chaco components can be embedded inside an enaml component using the EnableCanvas widget.


To embed a Mayavi 3D scene inside an Enaml component, one should use the MayaviCanvas widget.